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Origins of Expressionism Painting:

Dive into the world of Expressionism, a powerful art movement that emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction against Impressionism and the constraints of realism. Expressionist artists sought to convey their inner emotions and subjective experiences, often depicting the anxieties and alienation of modern life. As Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, a leading figure of German Expressionism, declared, "We were never given the chance to learn what was good. We were simply told what was bad."  

Expressionist paintings are characterized by bold, vivid colors, often applied with vigorous brushwork and a deliberate disregard for natural forms. The Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, whose iconic work "The Scream" embodies the raw emotion of Expressionism, stated, "I do not paint what I see, but what I saw." The movement encompassed various styles, from the vibrant hues of Fauvism, led by Henri Matisse, to the darker, more angst-ridden works of German Expressionism. Expressionism continues to resonate with audiences today, offering a powerful visual language for exploring the human condition. We will be delving deeper into the fascinating world of Expressionism in our upcoming blog posts, so stay tuned!


What are the key characteristics of Expressionist paintings?
What are the different types of Expressionism?
Why is Expressionist art still relevant today?
What should I consider when buying an Expressionist painting?